We have had a great start to the season so far despite some indifferent weather conditions, and thanks to our lovely members we have managed to raise a lot of money already from just the first few events.
We have also managed to present seven Variety Golf Sunshine Coaches from the first five events to seven different Special Needs Schools – and we have only just started! Wouldn’t it be great if we can beat last year’s number (37 Sunshine Coaches) despite the increase in costs for the vehicles.
All of the upcoming events have been selling really well so please get in touch if you would like to enter any events between now and the end of the season. So far, each event has been full. We amazingly only lost eleven members this year from renewals, but I’m delighted to say we have already taken on eighteen new members and its only April!
We have some great events coming up and, finally, it looks like some warmer and hopefully drier weather is on its way, so please come and support the events as best you can. See you on the fairways soon!