Since the 20th March, our goal was to raise £100,000 by the time we were able to get back out on the golf course and run Variety Golf events again. I am delighted to say that in the last three months, donations from Variety Golf Members – whether straight donations, monthly direct debits or Monthly Prize Draw entries (plus Gift Aid) – has so far totalled just over £95,000! We are very nearly there, so thank you all so much for contributing!
If you haven’t donated already and would like to help us reach our goal of £100,000 before the Brocket Hall event on July 17th, you can do so either by sending a cheque, making a transfer or a card payment over the ‘phone.
Variety Golf, 11, Park Place, Newdigate Road, Harefield, UB9 6EJ or our bank details are: account no: 96808640, sort code: 60-18-20